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Quick Tour
How it works
Navigating in the main window
Parts of the main window
The drawing area is where you arrange and view the plants in the open plant file. The mouse
cursor modes, which you select by clicking the first four buttons on the toolbar, determine what you can do with the mouse in the drawing area.
In Select/drag mode , click on plants to select them (Shift-click to select more than one plant).
You can ONLY select plants in Select/drag mode.
In Scroll mode , click and drag in the drawing area to move the entire contents of the
drawing area around.
In Rotate mode , click and drag in the drawing area to rotate all selected plants. Drag
left-right to rotate in the X direction; drag up-down to rotate in the Y direction, and right-drag left-right to
rotate in the Z direction. You can also click without dragging to rotate a fixed
number of degrees in the X direction.
In Magnify mode , click in the drawing area to zoom in on the point where you click.
Right-click or Shift-click to zoom out.
Next to the four cursor mode buttons in the toolbar is a drop-down box showing
the current magnification. To change the magnification without using the
mouse, choose another magnification from the list (or type a number and press Tab or Enter). Clicking the Scale to Fit button scales the drawing so all visible plants fit in the drawing area.
The plant list in the main window shows all the plants in the open file. Below the plant
list is a pencil indicator that is colored in if you have made any changes to the
open file, an indicator of plant bitmap use, and a bar that shows plant drawing progress.
The focus panel has four tab panels. Click on the tabs to change which panel is showing.
The Life cycle panel shows the age and size of plants against a graph of their size (biomass) over their life cycle from seed to maturity. Use the Life cycle panel to change plant ages.
The Rotation panel shows the x, y and z rotations of the focused plant. Click the up or
down arrows to change the rotations of all selected plants.
The Parameters panel contains the 200 or so parameters that make up plants. Use the
Parameters panel to change how a plant grows and is drawn.
The Parts panel is a read-only display of the relative sizes of the different parts of
the plant (leaves, stems, flowers, etc). Use the Parts panel to evaluate how well the plant weight (biomass) is distributed between parts of the plant
as it grows.
Between the three main parts of the main window (drawing area, list, focus
panel) are two splitter lines. Click on either of these two splitter lines and drag to change the size of
the panels.
See also:
Changing plant ages
Using parameter panels
Choosing viewing options in the main window
Understanding the parameters
Undoing and redoing