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Basic Tutorial -- Step 9: Connect contexts with the new moves wizard
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Use the new moves wizard
The new moves wizard is used to create rules that allow the player to move
from one context to another. It can create links in one or both directions between
two contexts. Open it by using the Tools | New Moves Wizard menu item.
On the second panel, you will need to pick two contexts to connect. Choose
"tree top" in the left panel and "vine bridge" in the right panel. Click Next to get to the third panel.
On the third panel, enter "go on to the vine bridge" as the command to go from
the tree top to the vine bridge. You can leave the reply blank. Click Next to get to the fourth panel.
On the fourth panel, enter "enter the tree top" for the command. You can leave
the reply field blank. Click Next.
On the last panel, confirm that you will be building two rules like this:
tree top -- go on to the vine bridge --> vine bridge
vine bridge -- enter the tree top --> tree top
Then click Finish.
Look at the new rules
Two rules will be added to the forest world. They should be placed fairly well
in the map.
Congratulations; you've linked up the vine bridge to the tree top!
Make another link
Now we will use the same wizard again to connect the vine bridge to the tree
house. But here's a trick to speed things up in the future. Before bringing up
the wizard, in the map first left click on the "vine bridge" context. Then
Shift-left click on the "tree house" context. Both should now be highlighted in
yellow boxes. Now bring up the wizard.
The two contexts you selected in the map should be already selected in the two
list boxes on the second panel. (The may not be in the same order you selected
them; they are in the order you created the contexts.) Now add the commands
"go onto the vine bridge" and "go to the tree house" as appropriate on the next
two panels.
Make sure that you put the right command for the right context, to get this on
the last panel:
tree house -- go onto the vine bridge --> vine bridge
vine bridge -- go to the tree house --> tree house
It doesn't matter which of these if first. You can correct something by moving
backward in the wizard.
Click Finish to make these links.
Look at your world
The end result should look something like this:
A map of the tutorial forest world near the end of the basic tutorial
Note that we now use the same command "go onto the vine bridge" in two
different contexts (tree house and tree top). Note that we haven't yet hooked up the
rope ladder.
Save your world
You should save your world again.
Try out the world
Let's try out what we have now in the player. You should now be able to
produce something like this in the transcript:
> look
You are in the forest. There are many majestic trees here.
> climb a tree
You climb a tree and can see nothing but tree tops for miles around you
> go onto the vine bridge
You go onto the vine bridge
> go to the tree house
You go to the tree house
> go onto the vine bridge
You go onto the vine bridge
> look
You are walking across a vine bridge.
> enter the tree top
You enter the tree top
> look
You are at the top of a huge Sequoia, swaying in the breeze.
Of course, the transcript doesn't read that well because we haven't indicated
in the look commands what options are available. For example, in the tree top,
the reply for "look" might be changed to read:
You are at the top of a huge Sequoia, swaying in the breeze.
The tree leans a little, so you might be able to slide down the tree.
You can go onto a vine bridge that leads over to a tree house in another
The bridge looks pretty flimsy.
This reply hints that you can say "slide down the tree" and "go onto the vine
You may have noticed that the rule in the rule editor panel changed when you
did something in the player window. This happens if you have Development | Update Editor Selection After Command Done checked in the player window.