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Advanced Tutorial -- Step 4: Use the new command wizard to add sequences
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About sequences
The new commands wizard is used to create several commands at once for a
context, as was shown much earlier in the intermediate tutorial. Now we will use
this wizard to put the commands in a sequence. The example used will be to make a
sequence of commands for a conversational script.
Make a conversation with a sequence of commands
Let's create a simple conversation that takes place with an owl while hanging
on the rope ladder.
Open the new commands wizard using Tools | New Commands Wizard.
On the second panel, pick "rope ladder" as the context.
On the third panel, enter:
say hello | The owl says nothing.
say hi | The owl says nothing.
say who | The owl says "who?"
say where | The owl says nothing, and then flies off.
On the fourth panel, for the first question, check the box for a sequence.
Leave the second question, the prefix, as "rope ladder". For the third question,
select "remove the last command".
On the last panel, click Finish.
Look at the new rules
Let's look at the results in the table. Look at the last four rules in the
table. These were created just now by the wizard.
If you get confused
Sequences like this can be hard to work with. If you get confused trying to
add new links to a sequence, don't despair. You can recover your original command
text used in the wizard from the change log. Make a backup copy of your world,
and then delete all the sequence's rules and try to make the sequence again in
the wizard. Changing sequences made by the new commands wizard is probably the
hardest task there is in editing a world.
Link the conversation in to the story
Add the change "owl flown" to the last rule in the table -- the one for the
command "say where". This will record that the conversation was finished.
Link the owl’s nest to the tree house via the rope ladder
Finally, let's link the rope ladder into our story, with it hanging down to
the tree house. If you look at the requirements and changes, you'll see the
wizard created a progressive sequence of changes and requirements. It began with
"rope ladder started" and used "rope ladder 10", "rope ladder 20" and "rope ladder
30" to mark the place in the sequence as the conversation moves along. The
increments are by 10 in case you want to add more entries in the middle later.
Alternatively, you could give these meaningful names, like "rope ladder 10" might
become "just said hello to owl" and "rope ladder 30" might become "just said
who to owl".
Add these four rules:
| command
| reply
| move
| requirements
| tree house
| climb up the rope ladder
| You climb up the rope ladder, which ends just below an owl's nest.
| rope ladder
| rope ladder
| climb back to the tree house
| You go back down to the tree house.
| tree house
| rope ladder
| look
| There is an owl in the nest above you.
| ~owl flown
| rope ladder
| look
| The owl's nest above you is empty.
| owl flown
| Mention the rope ladder
Let's clean up the text for "look" for the tree house, and add some mention of
the rope ladder. Change the reply to read:
You are in a swaying tree house. There is a rope ladder here which goes higher
into the tree.
More about sequences
Sequences are also useful for relaying large sections of text, which exceed
the few sentences recommended for a single reply. For example, if you have a
loudspeaker, you can create an endless loop which you "listen" to. Each time you “listen”, you get the next snippet of text. Or, you can create a sequence for a
command like "talk to the old man" which provides some new piece of information each