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About Microsoft Agent
What is Agent?
The Agent software distribution consists of three main parts:
The Microsoft Agent System itself
The Microsoft Command and Control Speech Recognition (SR) Engine
The Lernout-Hauspie Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine
Downloading Agent
All are currently (April 1998) available for free download from Microsoft.
For a current link to Microsoft's Agent downloads page from our web site, see
the StoryHarp area on our web site:
A note of caution
Microsoft has indicated that Agent may well be integrated with a future
version of Windows; clearly the people at Microsoft are working hard to ensure the
most trouble-free installation and use of the product. In general, installing
Agent and the supplied speech recognition system and text-to-speech system is as
simple as downloading the three installation programs and running them.
However, speech recognition and synthesis are still an inexact science, as is
installing software. There are many possible things that can go wrong when
installing or using these packages. Although most users will probably not encounter
difficulties, nonetheless we recommend you backup your computer system and
your computer's registry before attempting to install any new software like these
packages. (For help on backing up your system and registry, you can search the
Microsoft web site for “registry” and “backup”.) This is especially true if you have another speech recognition system
installed. Since Microsoft and other vendors are beyond our control, we cannot take
responsibility for problems you may encounter using their software or
installation systems. We will try to post the most common problems and possible
solutions people report to us on our web site.
The most likely thing to go wrong is that Agent could have difficulty
installing itself if you have an older version of Windows 95 and have never installed
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 or later. If you have such a problem, you will
need to install Internet Explorer first (even though it is not needed to run
Agent). See our web site at for the latest
information and links on troubleshooting Agent installation.