Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: How to change the soil base color
A soil patch's base drawing color is the color used by Garden with
Insight to draw dry soil with no organic matter in the garden window
and in the browser's pictures side. Water content and organic matter
make the soil color closer to black (see the description of the soil color
display mode for an explanation of the soil color calculation).
To change a soil patch's base color, open the browser and select the soil
patch in the object drop-down list box at the top of the browser (or magnify the soil patch using the growcorder or the magnifying glass). In
the browser, click the pictures side button to choose the browser's pictures side. On the browser pictures side, choose the Color
display from the drop-down list box of soil display types.
The browser pictures side showing soil color
At the bottom of the pictures side, click on the colored square labeled Soil base color (dry, low
organic matter soil). In the color dialog that appears, choose a color then click OK. The
change will affect the drawing of the soil profile in the browser and
also the soil patch in the garden window.
To undo your change, choose Undo from the Edit menu on
the garden window.