Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Plant daily biomass group
Total live biomass including root: The total live biomass (dry
weight) in this plant, not including standing dead biomass.
Above-ground live biomass: Above-ground live biomass (dry weight) includes all live plant parts
except roots -- stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.
Biomass of all leaves and stems: The biomass (dry weight) of all of this plant's leaves and stems.
Total fruit/flower biomass: The total amount of biomass (dry
weight) in this plant taken up by reproductive structures, including inflorescences, flowers and fruit.
Biomass of all storage organs: The biomass (dry weight) of
this plant's storage organ(s).
Root biomass : The biomass (dry weight) of this plant's roots in each soil layer. Photosynthate allocation to each root layer is reduced by root growth constraint factors for each layer -
- temperature, water, soil strength, and aluminum toxicity.
Root biomass : The biomass (dry weight) of this plant's roots in each soil layer. Photosynthate
allocation to each root layer is reduced by root growth constraint factors for each layer -- temperature,
water, soil strength, and aluminum toxicity.
Standing dead plant residue (above-ground): Standing dead plant residue represents all the
above-ground parts of the plant that have died. Loss of live plant biomass can result from decreased
tolerance for dryness with age, from fruit decay, from frost, and from
reduced day length.
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