Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Browser pictures side with weather - temperature
When the weather is selected in the browser, the pictures side of the
browser is showing, and the display mode of temperature is selected, the browser displays a 30-
day running graph of minimum, mean, and maximum temperature for
the day.
The browser pictures side showing temperature
If the show means button is down (pushed in), long-
term average minimum and maximum temperature values are overlaid over the current values with
straight lines connecting the long-term monthly values. These long-term averages are the same values as
in the weather parameters you can change on the numbers side of the browser.
To switch between bar and line graphs, click the bar graph or line graph buttons. To change the color of the graphed bars or lines, click
on the colored box at the bottom of the browser and choose a new color from the window that appears. To
rescale the graph, click the rescale button.
Maximum temperature is at the hottest point in the 24-hour day, minimum temperature is at the coldest
point in the day, and mean temperature is simply the average of these.
You can think of maximum and minimum temperatures for the day as the highs and lows you hear about
in the weather forecast.
How it works: calculation of air temperature